Saturday, 3 January 2015

The Truth Of Law Of Attraction.

Calling those things that be not, as though they were. Romans 4:17
Law Of Attraction - is the name given to the belief that "like attracts like" and that by focusing on positive or negative thoughts, one can bring about positive or negative results.
Have you ever thought of someone and then all of a sudden they text you or ring you? or You've said something and then it happens and then you turn around and say "I knew it was going to happen, didn't I say it was going to happen?" that's the power of the law of attraction. Law of a attraction is a spiritual law,  that is real but what some fail to understand is that God had already explained and told us about this in the Bible, (refer back to the opening scripture) God knew that in order for you to possess what you want you have to call it as though you already have it, it is that simple. God made a promise to us in Numbers 14:28 that he will do to us the very thing that he heard us say, therefore these things that we confess daily shouldn't be a surprise when we begin to see them come to pass whether it be negative or positive. This is why in terms of Law of Attraction we need to spend all of our time speaking and thinking the right things and the things we want to see in our life. When we come to understand that where you are today is a result of what you said, you'll be able to set your future according to the way you want it to be, speak and think the things you want to see each and everyday and see the results that will be brought to you.

Thank you


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