Thursday, 1 January 2015

No longer a fashion blog - Explanation of "That Agape Life"

Time after time I have been asked "how do you pronounce that word in your blog name" or "what does that word mean" often I would quickly reply with a simple explanation although, I knew I was leaving these people completely out of the blue, well it's pronounced "ah-gah-pey". Which is translated into love. This love isn't the romantic or worldly love that you may experience from your friends and family or loved ones, this type love is a characteristic and nature. A Love which comes from God. who is the nature and characteristic of love its self as it is explained  1 John 4:8 "God is Love".  Before starting my blog I wanted to understand and experience God's love for myself and quickly came to understand that this is a way of living and not a "from time to time" feeling or expression we give to others, it needs to be the foundation of my character, hence where my blog title came from. Without the love of God in us there is so little we can do, because Jesus is not interested in anything done outside of love. Initially It was going to be fashion based blog and little words of wisdom here and there but, as I have been trying to blog it has come to my heart that I need to do something different with my blog, therefore this page will no longer be a fashion page but I will be here regularly posting to help others live that "That agape Life" that we need to live. Love is a force that everybody wants, and everybody wants to be loved. Also I hope this will help increase others faith and walk in the word.

Thank You
Noma Nx

P.S there are fashion related plans that will be fulfilled in this new year which I am extremely excited about.

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